Circular Aspect
1.1 Circular Planning and Implementation
1.2 Academic Flexibility
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
1.4 Feedback System
2. Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
2.1 Student Enrollment and Profile
- Sanctioned letters of Courses/Programs from University
- Sanctioned student’s strength or intake capacity letters
Program wise University Approved Admission List of Students
2.2 Student Teacher Ratio
2.3 Teaching Learning Process
ICT Enabled Tools for Effective Teaching Learning Process
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey
3. Research, Innovations and Extension
3.1 Research, Mobilization and Research
3.2 Innovation Ecosystem
3.3 Research Publications and Awards
3.4 Extension Activities
Report of the extension and outreach Programmes
3.5 Collaboration
4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1 Physical Facilities
4. 2 Library as a learning Resource
E-copy of letter of subscription
Library Usage by Teachers and Students
4. 3 IT Infrastructure
4. 4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
5. Student Support and Progression
5. 1 Student Support
a. Soft-Skill (01)-Short Term Course on Developing Leadership Skills
b. Soft-Skill-02-Workshop-on-Image-Branding
c. Soft-Skill-03-Interview-Skills
Language and Communication Skills Consolidated
a. Language-Communication-Skills-01-Certificate-Course-in-Grammar-and-Vocabulary
b. Language-Communication-Skills-02-Sindhi-Language-Learning
c. Language-Communication-Skills-03-Smart-English-for-Effective-Communication
a. Life-Skills (01)-Certificate Course in Yoga, Diet, Nutrition and Stress Management
b. Life-Skills (02)-Guest Lecture on Positive Thinking
c. Life-Skills-03-Certificate-Course-in-Powerful-Presence-for-Success
d. Life-Skills-04-Short-Term-Course-in-Happiness-Quotient-Career-Wellness
e. Life-Skills (05)-Guest Lecture on Anger Management
f. Life-Skills-07-Certificate-Course-in-FitnessWellness-and-Stress-Management
g. Life-Skills-08-Short-Term-Course-on-Scientific-Management
ICT/Computing skills Consolidated
a. ICT-Computing-Skills-01-Short-Term-Course-on-Tax-Planning
b. ICT-Computing-Skills-02-Short-Term-Course-in-Vedic-Maths
c. ICT-Computing-Skills-03-Short-Term-Course-in-Quantitative-Aptitude
d. ICT -Computing-Skills (04)-Workshop on Google Tools
e. ICT-Computing-Skills-05-Certificate-Programme-in-BankingFinance-and-Insurance
f. ICT-Computing-Skills-06-Guest-Lecture-on-Web-Based-Applications-of-Office-Activities
g. ICT-Computing-Skills-07-Short-Term-Course-in-Understanding-Financial-Statements
h. ICT-Computing-Skills-08-Short-Term-Course-in-Financial-Planning
i. ICT-Computing-Skills-09-Guest-Lecture-on-Cyber-Security
k. ICT-Computing-Skills-11-Short-Term-Course-in-Advanced-Excel-for-BBA-BBA-CA
5. 2 Student Progression
5. 3 Student Participation and Activities
Students participation in sports and cultural events / competitions
5. 4 Alumni Engagement
6. Governance, Leadership and Management
6. 1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
6. 2 Strategy Development and Deployment
6. 3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
Financial Support provided to Teachers to attend Conference, Workshops
6. 4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
6. 5 Internal Quality Assurance System
Faculty and Staff Development Programs
7. Institutional Values and Best Practices
7. 1: Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
7.2 Best Practices
7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness