The management at Manghanmal Udharam College of Commerce has designed an infrastructure policy aimed at creating an environment of teaching and learning, uninterrupted use of learning resources, safety at the workplace, to provide the latest facilities to the students and teachers and an overall comfort for generating productivity at work.

The physical and academic policy is designed to optimally utilise the physical and allied academic resources available. This policy document is designed in a way that will facilitate to fulfil the educational and administrative needs. The overall purpose is to create a quality working environment in the College for students, teaching and non-teaching staff members and all stakeholders.
In perspective of the implementation of the Physical and Academic Policy, the following objectives are set.
- A standard procedure to be followed, for the use of physical resources on the campus
- Proper co-ordination in using multiple facilities and resources
- To minimise the obstacles while conducting various/simultaneous activities
To create an awareness among students and staff members regarding use of physical resources
- Students who are enrolled in the college
- Staff who are working in the college
- Auxiliary services i.e. the Student association, Alumni association
Event refers to planned meetings, student and faculty functions, extension activities, co-curricular activities.
Facility refers to building, any structure, laboratory, library, sports space, gymnasium, equipment, furnishing, parking space etc. present in the college campus.
Sports equipment, Computers and information technology equipment, miscellaneous equipment.
Classroom tables and benches, laboratory tables and storage, workstations, file cabinets, bookcases, office tables and furniture etc.
This includes college land and building.
Assets that are not permanently affixed to building so that the asset can be removed and moved from one place to other without costly or extensive alterations or repairs of the buildings. These assets can be used after movement or relocation.
- Internal User: This refers to departments, office, committees, teachers, students on roll, non teaching staff.
- External Users: This refers to government and non-government organizations, alumni etc.
- ICT enabled and ventilated classrooms
- Well illuminated, airy and cleaned on daily basis. All classrooms have LCDs to make teaching-learning more interactive. The available infrastructure is utilized in the best possible manner to support academic needs of the learners.
- Uses for Classroom lectures, laboratory practical sessions, guest lectures on curriculum, students’ seminar
- Well equipped with audio-visual aids to facilitate modern teaching methods.
Sr. No. | Details of the Facility | Number |
1. | Classrooms (All ICT enabled) | 11 |
2. | Computer laboratories (with 62 Computers) | 01 |
3. | Auditorium (Seating capacity: 500) | 01 |
4. | Seminar halls (ICT enabled) | 02 |
5. | Patio (Utilized for organizing different functions and cultural activities) | 01 |
6. | Playground | 01 |
7. | Central library | 01 |
8. | Open area (With parking space) | 01 |
9. | Canteen | 01 |
10. | Girls common room | 01 |
11. | Boys common room | 01 |
12. | A room for Director of Physical Education and Sports | 01 |
13. | Nursery – developed by the Nature Club | 01 |
- Air-conditioned room for the Principal
- Administrative office
- Staff Room,
- Departments like Placement Cell, Boys’ Room, Girls’ Room, IQAC/BBA/BCA Coordinators’ Room and Examination Room
- Student Welfare/Academic Research Coordinator/NSS office, Gymkhana Room
- The College has also installed CCTV surveillance at strategic points, generator, water purifiers and coolers; library has a reading room, reprography, INFLIBNET and N List subscription.
- Regular monitoring of feedback, related to infrastructure, from the students, alumni, parents, peers and visitors help to improve the physical facilities.
- Academic classes: This refers to classroom lectures, laboratory practical sessions, guest lectures on curriculum, student seminars.
- Academic activities: This refers to any program, meeting, or activity that is not an academic class but it is directly related to the delivery of formal curriculum.
- Organized event: Seminars and workshops with the help of funding agencies, extension activities, sports events, cultural programs and competitions.
The College focuses on student centric teaching-learning. Today, the technology is very user- friendly, therefore, students are able to use it with great ease and the teacher plays the role of a facilitator. Students are able to collect information through the internet on their own. In order to facilitate this:
- Internet facility is provided to students.
- All classrooms are provided with LCD facilities, making teaching-learning interesting and easy.
- Students use PPTs for their presentations.
- Teacher becomes a facilitator by using ICT facility and e-resources.
- Students are encouraged to use ICT for competitions at different levels.
Internet facility is provided to all the computers through broadband. All the departments and office, are provided with the computer facility and internet along with printer and UPS.
The College has formed a Library Committee which consists of the Principal as the Chairperson, the Librarian as the Coordinator and Heads of Departments / Coordinators as members.
The responsibilities of the Library Committee include:
- Preparation of library budget
- Allocation of department -wise budget
- Purchases and approvals
- Stock taking
- Organizing book exhibitions
- Utilization of UGC schemes for books
- Implementation of the book bank scheme
The significant initiatives
- Computerization of Library
- Home issue of reference books, text books and fiction books to students
- Purchase of educational CDs
- Purchase of Kindles
- Flexible issue and return timings during the examinations.
- Book Readers Club to encourage students to read and discuss books.
- Teacher-Student Interactive Library, Writing Quote of the Day, Special Day announcement on the white board, Increase your Vocabulary and Biblio Know-how
Total area of the library: 1079 Sq ft.
Total seating capacity: 55
Working hours-
On working days: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00p.m.
During vacations: 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The library, providing open access to students, has a seating capacity of 55. For group study, a room on the second floor of the library building is provided. Extra arrangement for reading space is available.
2 Computers for students, 4 computers for teachers and library staff. OPAC software, 4 Kindles, color and black & white photocopy machine, 1 scanning and printing machine.
The books are procured from the library budget which includes, the funds received from UGC and amount collected as library fee from the students. Current titles are purchased on the recommendations of the teachers, students, book publishers, titles displayed during the book exhibition and by browsing through magazines and journals which announce the availability of new titles.
For e-resources: The library subscribes to INFLIBNET- N-list. Educational CDs are also purchased on the recommendations of the teachers and students.
- OPAC: OPAC is provided on all the computers of the library.
- Electronic Resource Management package for e-journals: N-list is provided to the teachers. The library staff guides the students for search on Shodh Ganga, ShodhGangotri and different search engines.
- Library Website: The library link is provided on the college website.
- Kindle: Students are provided with Kindle for reading E-Books.
- Library automation: Library is using KOHAas library management software.
- Total number of computers for public access: 2computers for the students and 4 for the teachers
- Total numbers of printers: 02 (1 printer and 1 colour printer/scanner/photocopying machine)
- Internet bandwidth/speed: 1 mbps.
- Content management system for e-learning Participation in Resource sharing networks/consortia: INFIBNET: N-List.
Sr. No. | Facility | Number |
1. | Reading Room | 1 |
2. | Stack room | 1 |
3. | Librarian’s cabin | 1 |
4. | Reprography, Scanning and color printing | 2 |
5. | Cabins for Student-Teacher Interaction | 2 |
The library is on the ground floor, so it is easily accessible to the visually and physically challenged students. Library staff helps the visually and physically disabled students to select the books and periodicals of their interest. Kindle is provided for partially blind students
The College takes feedback from its users in the following ways:
- Suggestion Box: A suggestion box is kept in the library for the students, staff and visitors. The librarian opens the suggestions and implements the same with the help of IQAC.
- Library Meetings: Library meetings are held regularly and suggestions are invited and incorporated.
- For regular housekeeping, there is a team of workers who keep the campus neat and clean. They are provided uniforms.
- Annual maintenance contracts are established with outside agencies for specific jobs like intercom/telephone facilities, duplicating machine, computers, electrical equipment and water – coolers.
- Uninterrupted power supply is installed in the computer laboratories ➢Generator facility is also provided.
- Fire fighting system is installed.
- Gardening and beautification is done with the help of the College staff and students.
- Skilled personnel are called to carry out maintenance work related to plumbing, sanitation, water supply and electricity.
- There are security guards and CCTVs installed at strategic locations to ensure safety and security.
The College has a well-stocked first aid room with a retiring facility for the sick. Apart from this, the Director of Physical Education and Sports extends sports therapy facility, if needed.
According to the University rules and Government norms, a compulsory medical check- up for the first year students is undertaken every year. This facility is also made applicable to the staff. As per the university guidelines, teaching of physical education and sports is compulsory to the first year degree students.
The College has established a network with doctors in the vicinity, whose services are utilized, as and when required.
There is a Government run hospital, Jijamata Hospital, in close proximity to the College, in case of emergencies.
Psychological counselling is provided to the students.
The staff is entitled to medical reimbursement as per the Government rules. In exceptional cases, the Management, the Principal and Teachers also extend financial assistance.
College have one fully equipped Conference Hall. It is allocated for following purposes
- Meetings of college development committee (CDC)
- Meetings of IQAC
- Faculty and staff meeting by the principal
- Small training workshops for faculty and staff
- Meetings of different college committees
Conference hall is equipped with LCD TV and projector, computer and internet facility. When the conference room is required for the different activities at the same time then priority will be given to the activity according to above list.
There is a separate room allocated to the Director of Physical Education and Sports. All the sports equipment and material are kept safely under his custody. All sports facilities present in the campus are mainly used for sports education, training, competition.
The Sports Facilities Rules designed by the College aim to serve as general guidelines to internal users and external users and source of information pertaining to College sports facilities. Consumable goods are purchased as and when required. Apart from its own grounds, the College hires a poly grass hockey court for practice and for hosting University level tournaments.
The details of sports related equipment are as follows:
Sr. No. | Item | Number |
1. | Multipurpose mats for Wrestling, Judo and Yoga, Gymnastics | 19 |
2. | Table Tennis Rackets | 1 |
3. | Cricket mat | 1 |
4. | Cricket kits | 3 |
5. | Carom Boards | 2 |
6. | Chess Boards | 4 |
The college conducts various events like Kabbadi, Volleyball, Handball, Netball, Football, Cricket, Wresting, Judo, Boxing And Basketball events at college level and encourages students to participate in different competitions held at different levels like University, Zonal, State, National and International.
Administrative office spaces are rooms or cabinets assigned to one or more individuals on a regular basis containing furniture and other equipment and used by administrative and support staff. Administrative space is allocated to individuals based on need; on the size and complexity of departmental operations.
Office space is a College property that will be allocated to administrative staff.
Assignment of multiple offices for faculty and staff is generally not permitted unless there is a true demonstrated need.
Cabin to Office Superintendent is allocated by the Principal. Offices to other administrative staff is allocated by the Office Superintendent in consultation with the Principal.
The College will ensure that all offices are occupied. When any office is left unoccupied for significant period of time due to sabbaticals or other leaves, the college may use this office for other purposes as need arises.
If an office space remains underutilized for a period longer than one year, the Department will be required to provide a justification for maintaining use of the space.
The College ensures an optimum utilization of the available infrastructure in the following manner:
- The courses (B.Com, M.Com, BBA and BCA) are conducted in two sessions. Thus, the class rooms, staff room and students’ common rooms are optimally utilized.
- On Sundays, the college infrastructure is available for conducting different IGNOU courses.
- Coordinators’ rooms are shared. IQAC/BBA/BCA Coordinators share one room with separate computers. 1 room is shared by NSS officer/ Students’ Welfare Officer/Academic Research Coordinator with separate computers. 2 cabins in the Library are shared for Research/Personal Counseling.
- 1 Seminar Hall is also used as Commerce Lab/ E Cell. A Smart TV is installed in this room for screening of educational movies. During examination time and otherwise, this hall is used as an extended reading room.
- Boys’ Common room is also used for playing indoor games like Table Tennis.
- The patio is used for hosting annual cultural events and also other extra and co- curricular activities.
- On the Ground Floor: 3 classrooms, 1 principal’s room,1 first aid room, 1 girls common room, 1 table tennis/boys’ common room, 1 office room and 2 girls’ washrooms.
- On the First Floor:5 classrooms, 1 examination Room, 1 staffroom, 1 record keeping room and 2 washrooms (1 each for boys and girls respectively).
- On the Second Floor: 3 class rooms, 1 room shared by NSS officer/ Students’ Welfare Officer/Academic Research Coordinator,1 room shared by IQAC and BBA/BCA Coordinator, 1 placement cell and career guidance/grievance redressal cell, 2 computer labs, 1 record room and 2 washrooms (1 each for boys and girls).
In the library building
- On the Ground floor: library, 1Banking and Economics Department, 1 washroom.
- On the First floor: Director of Physical Education and Sportsroom,1 seminar hall.
- On the Second floor: 1 seminar hall, 1 reading hall with Commerce Lab/E Cell, 1 store room and 1 wash room.
- IQAC/BBA/BCA Coordinator’s Room: computers, printer and relevant furniture (with an attached wash room).
- 2 cabins for Research/ Teacher-Student Interactive Library/Personal Counselling: with relevant furniture
- 1 Seminar Hall/Commerce Lab/ E Cell: 1 smart TV and furniture.
- NSS/SWO/ARC Room: computers, printer and relevant furniture.
- Grievance Redressal unit/Career Guidance and Placement Cell: computers, printer and relevant furniture.
- Health Centre: A well-equipped first aid room ➢Girls Common Room: 1 TV and furniture.
- Boys Common room/Table-Tennis Room: 1 table tennis table and relevant furniture.
- Canteen: canteen with tables and chairs.
- Parking: adequate space for parking
- Drinking Water facility: 3 water coolers and 4 water filters with RO system.
- Auditorium: 1 auditorium with a seating capacity of 500.
- Recreational spaces for staff and students: patio hosting functions and cultural activities. Seminar halls and students’ common rooms for recreational activities.