Manghanmal Udharam College of Commerce
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, India
Alumnus Name* :
Mobile No.* :
Email ID :
Year of Passing
Present Occupation/ Designation/ Organization
Kindly select the appropriate option as per the following criteria:
4- Highly Efficient, 3 - Efficient, 2 - Satisfactory, 1 - Unsatisfactory
1. Do you feel proud to be associated with MU College as Alumnus? YesNo
2. How would you rate development activities organized by the college for students’ overall development? 4321
3. Are your grievances /problems properly handled in college? 4321
4. Rate the adequacy of the following at MUCC: a. Infrastructure 4321
b. Library 4321
c. Computer Facility 4321
d. Canteen 4321
e. Sports 4321
1. Have you obtained sufficient knowledge in theory and practical papers at M. U. College? YesNo
2. Is education imparted at M. U. College useful in your present job? YesNo
3. Were the teachers cooperative? YesNo
4. Were the office staff cooperative? YesNo
5. Were the library staff cooperative? YesNo
1. Would you like to join Alumni Association? YesNo
2. Have you participated in any Alumni meet as of now? YesNo
1. Have you availed of Career Counseling and guidance for higher education form college? YesNo
2. Have you been placed through campus placement cell? YesNo
Please give suggestions (if any) for development of the college.